Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher 713.417.3535


Virabhadrasana II/Warrior 2

I love to teach yoga! I love to learn, practice and share the basic instructions and the subtle insights that make the practice of yoga a transformational experience. I love that yoga is not a performance art, but the art of processing and acting on challenges to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ideas. By observing these things with an open mind, we can peel away the layers of meaning that life has applied and see each moment for what it truly is. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually I have grown and continue to grow through this amazing practice.

I began with the only yoga classes available in Houston in 1974. I studied with Billie Gollnick, Lex Gillan and later with Robert Boustany for the first 12 years of my journey. Then I met George Purvis and Iyengar Yoga. I was awarded a Level 2 Certification to teach the Iyengar approach to hatha yoga in 1994 and have taught that method since then. The structure, challenge, intelligence compassion, philosophy and so much more appealed to me and has improved my life.

Sharing this teaching and seeing people learn, improve and enjoy the process is one of the greatest joys of my life. I hope you will join me.